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AfghanChoice, Digital TV Services
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AfghanChoice is a multichannel satellite television bouquet of channels broadcasted from Afghanistan and watched around the globe by Afghans.

For a decade, Afghan TV channels were broadcasted from various satellites which made it inconvenient for Afghan viewers to enjoy them. Since 2008, we have been constantly on the look out for innovative ways to deliver these channels from a single source and allow them to be received by a single Dish. As of today AfghanChoice made it possible to reach the bouquet by 10 Afghan channels and growing.

AfghanChoice, bouquets caters for different lifestyles and will provide all Afghan TV Channels, quality audio channels, radio stations and other interactive services.

In addition to the boquet, AfghanChoice is offering TV in BOX solution, playout facilities, and is one of the outstanding examples of a pioneering service, owned by Liwal Limited, a leading player providing technology based solutions in Afghanistan for almost three decades..

Liwal Limited involvement in Afghanistan goes beyond its core business. Through its invocation, the company actively participates in social transformation through technology, enables individuals and communities to help themselves ultimately leading to growth of the country and a better life for all.

Media placement is the process of purchasing advertising space, including airtime on cable television networks, satellite networks and national broadcasting companies.

A small business owner may hire a third-party marketing firm to negotiate advertising rates when attempting to purchase advertising airtime with national television networks and cable networks.
The marketing firm can staff the small business owner's advertising campaign with knowledgeable PR and advertising professionals with the goal of securing a competitive rate for purchased airtime.

The business owner usually enters into a contract with the marketing firm that outlines the parameters for media placement, including the demographics the owner wants to target as well as how much she's willing to pay for advertising time.
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